Pinoy Tsubibo

New start. New faces. New administration. New opposition. News all around. You've got a long way to go Pilipino. Sakay na sa Pinoy Tsubibo!


I was searching for Mr. Conrado de Quiros' site when I stumbled upon this webpage called the Anti-Pinoy instead. The author, under the pseudonym Antonio de Morga, castigated Mr. Conrado de Quiros' article entitled Yes, He Might, which focuses on de Quiros' personal hope that Aquino could combat corruption in the Philippines. The article title in the anti-pinoy site was very misleading because he sort of made it look like Mr. de Quiros' article focused mainly on comparing Noynoy to Aragorn, when the journalist just used it as a simile in paragraph eleven of his column (It's just one sentence actually. And please. It's just a simile. Look at how de Quiros used it.)

Comments from viewers of the site also lambasted de Quiros saying that his comparison of Noy to Aragorn is a " big insult to Aragorn character of JR Tolkien" and that he is  "a validation of delusions of abnoyan academicians."

This is the link to the Anti-Pinoy site.


Note: Separate blog for this topic will soon be constructed.