Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Recognize a Spam Blog: Stop Sploggers From Spreading Part I

 How do you identify a Spam Blog or Splog when you happen to meet one? If you find that most of the descriptions that I listed here aptly fits a blog that has been bothering you lately, there a very high probability that that blog is a Splog.

Characteristic no. 1
Observe the post - if there are a good number of links in one page that point to a single site, that blog is probably a splog. This one of the foolproof ways to check if  a blog is genuinely a blog or if it is simply faking it. To make sure if the blog is just link spamming, try to look at the other blog posts. Are the articles written on each post similarly peppered with links to the same site? If yes, you've got yourself a Splog Suspect.

Characteristic no.2
* Blogs that are merely scraping information. There are a lot of scraper sites created in blogger. By Scraper Site, we mean those blogs who simply "scrape" , juice out , or cut content from other blogs when all they do is just to redirect you to another site which they probably promote.

Characteristic no. 3
* Blogs with absurdly innumerable posts. Sixty to ninety posts a month is passable. But two hundred to more than a thousand posts a month? Dude are you a robot? Or maybe an automatic article spinning and blog posting software program?

Characteristic no. 4
* Blogs with only a single post, and which has characteristic no. 1. Seriously, this is a fake blog. After successfully posting  a page with links directing to their site, the owner leaves the blog to flies and cobwebs. It served its purpose. There's no one maintaining it anyway.

Characteristic no. 5
* Blogs that have suspicious company name or product name in their URL adresses, especially if coupled by Characteristic no. 1. Remember, not all blogs with this attribute are fake blogs. Some people just make use of their blogs for generation of money - you can't deny that. Even blogger has a monetize section in each of their accounts right? Using blogs for money is not really the issue here, because there are some blogs that do that and yet, they still provide content that are interesting to many readers. A splog is different. Splogs are ALL links and NO content kind of blogs.

Click to continue to read more of how to identify a Splog.

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