Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tweets as SEO boost?

Does Google index twitter tweets?

At this moment, no, Google is not telling us plainly (yet) if they are indeed indexing google tweets or not. But Search engine results show that the Google bots are already creeping twitter accounts and putting them on the results page of Google. Take for example this image showing that a keyword search can bring up a twitter account in the search engine result page.

PC World has even announced that now, Google will be able search your tweets right from the very first one you ever posted in the tweeter world.

To quote:

With Google's new Twitter search feature, you can view all Tweets within a specific day, month or year, using a graph that appears on top of the results. For example, it's possible to see what PCWorld Tweeted on April 3, 2010, iPad launch day.

As explained on the Official Google Blog, the feature's actually pretty handy if you want to see what people where saying on the day of a major event, such as Congress' passing of health care legislation. But as I alluded to in the headline, it also makes it easy for people to look at anything you wrote during a specific date or time period, as long as your timeline is public. (unquote)

The thought that tweets could have an effect on page ranking is really not improbable. This means that in the future (we just don't know how near that may be), google may just well enter the realm of social networking sites since it already had treaded the waters of  So what is the implication for this?

As early as now start optimizing your twitter accounts to be SEO friendly. If you are using tweeter to project updates and receive feedbacks from your customers, then you might as well optimize it to the fullest - just to be sure.

As for now, we'll keep watching Google updates - you'll never know.

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